Parental Concerns and Dispute Resolution
CSS Parental Concerns
If a parent has any concerns about their child’s swimming or swim group, the first step is to approach the head coach directly to see if the issue can be resolved. If the issue cannot be resolved, the parent should write a letter to the President of the club explaining the concerns. The President, as liaison between the club and coaches, will then approach the coach to discuss the issue and seek resolution. If necessary, the President may enact the Dispute Resolution Process. If a parent has a concern about the general direction of the club or any member of the executive, the parent should write a letter to the President outlining the concern. The concern will then be reviewed and addressed at the next executive meeting. If necessary, the Dispute Resolution Process may be enacted.
Dispute Resolution Process
The Columbia-Shuswap Swim Club supports the principles of member dispute resolution. To that end, all issues are to be directed to the President who will enact the following process: 1. Meet with each of the parties involved in the dispute to gain insight into the nature of the issue; 2. Arrange a meeting between the disputing parties in an effort to seek a resolution; 3. If Step 2 does not result in resolution, arrange for mediation by another member of the executive.
Swimmer Discipline
In general, coaches are responsible for discipline during training sessions and swim meets. If there are behavioural concerns, the coach should address the swimmer first. If the concerns cannot be resolved between coach and swimmer, then the coach should involve the swimmer’s parents. If this step does not result in resolution, then the coach should bring the issue to the President as Coach Liaison. If warranted, the matter will then be referred to the Discipline Committee for further consideration.
Discipline Committee
This committee shall be comprised of three members of the executive. The primary purpose of the committee will be to deal with issues of swimmer behaviour that cannot be resolved between the coach and swimmer and swimmer’s parents. The committee will provide the coach and the swimmer along with the swimmer’s parent an opportunity to present their respective position on the issue. The committee will then rule on the issue and have the ability to apply consequences from minor discipline to removal of the swimmer from the club.